Improving patient outcomes in substance abuse treatment

is a complex, multi-faceted problem.   We introduce a metric,

TREATMENT EFFICIENCY, along with a set of national databases and

associated analytic tools to develop solutions to that problem.

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Our expertise identifies how outcomes for patients
in substance abuse treatment programs can be improved.

We observe that the nature of treatment for substance abuse varies considerably among the 12,000+ US treatment centers. Analysis of "how much we are spending" is a good initial metric, but of even more importance is ensuring that the expenditure is on the right treatment services to maximize the likelihood of completing the treatment program and thereby reducing the costs incurred by repeated treatments.   This observation about the variety of billable treatment services offered raises the issue of efficiency, the best use of resources in treating substance abuse.

We introduce the metric "treatment efficiency" as the proportion of substance abusers who start a treatment program and complete the program rather than:

     (a) quitting against medical advice or

     (b) stopping treatment to try another approach in mid-stream or

     (c) being expelled by a treatment center or

     (d) another reason.

Clearly, inpatient treatment does not guarantee that a substance abuser's problem will be solved. However, if abusers complete their treatment, they have much greater odds of recovery. This prompts the question "What works best?" for increasing treatment efficiency. Which specific treatment services result in a higher proportion of abusers completing their treatment programs?

Using our database of 1.2 million annual patient discharges from treatment centers, we can provide answers to the question "what treatment services drive treatment efficiency" by state, by county groupings, by substance abused, by type of treatment and more.

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How We Work

Our client projects typically involve a series of stages. In the initial stage, we assist the client team to fully articulate the strategic issues at hand, the financial imperatives and the relevant business metrics that underpin the project goals. A next stage would involve the marshalling of a broad set of stakeholders and owners of business knowledge and data resources who can contributes assets for the foundation of the analytic stages of the project. The analytic framework is outlined to identify possible outcomes to strategic questions and suggest novel approaches for consideration. Next comes the heavy-lifting of data manipulation, database construction, analyses, modeling and results reporting. Finally, workshops communicate the project learning to help ensure organizational buy-in of the project deliverables.

Analytical Approaches to Strategic Questions

Here are a few examples of how we might analytically approach a strategic question. Click on the example to enlarge the graph.

Suppose you are interested in a five-state grouping that is relevant to your organization.


We can estimate the size of the opportunity to increase treatment efficiency for opioid abuse.


Within the five states, which of the 189 potential opioid treatments drive efficiency? These analyses focus your efforts.


Our Team

Our recommendations are informed by decades of experience helping clients frame the right strategic questions
and then developing robust methodological and analytical approaches for finding actionable answers.

David Glenn

David began his research career at Burke Marketing Research. He rounded his research skill set as co-director of marketing research at M&M/Mars, a $10 billion food company. David took advantage of M&M/Mars' global reach by volunteering to help coordinate research across cultures. His four year stint on the client side of business heightened his understanding of how information can best impact strategic decision-making.
Following his four year client stint, David managed Burke offices in Atlanta and New York City. In 1992, David founded Connected, Inc., a marketing research company specializing in new product studies across a broad array of industries including technology, consumer products, financial services and healthcare.

Keith Sentis

Keith began his research career at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan; the world's the largest academic social research and survey organization. He also has worked in consumer research at three of the largest advertising agencies in New York.
Following his first stint in New York, Keith lived and worked overseas for two decades serving major multi-national clients across four continents in many industries including health-care and financial services. His passions are developing prescriptive models of how customers interact with markets and being on, in or near an ocean.

Why Choose Us?

Innovative ideas

We engage with clients to elicit their perspectives about the strategic issues on their agenda with the goal of identifying how they can most benefit from our expertise. This process helps define how our tools and analyses of our comprehensive databases will create insights that are the key to successful projects.

Customized tools and treatment databases

Data are not information. After framing the strategic questions, we focus on exploiting our proprietary databases of 1.2 million annual treatment outcomes in conjunction with client-specific data to develop an appropriate analytic plan. We apply a diverse range of analytical methods to develop actionable answers to client questions.

Extensive experience

To answer your strategic questions, we bring over 80 years of experience in finding solutions for clients. Every client is pursuing different business goals, with different financial milestones and different opportunities. Our contribution to the client team is to weave together a customized, robust methodological and analytical framework within that client-specific context. In our experience, cookie-cutter approaches do not accommodate this client-specific context and do not really satisfy clients.

Our Latest White Papers

Date: October 2, 2018

The US is burdened with an estimated $64 billion annually in substance abuse treatment costs.
Substance abuse treatment programs can lead to better patient outcomes if abusers complete their treatment programs. Alarmingly, the percentage of patients who complete their treatment programs is low. There is a better way to allocate resources.


Contact Us


New York City area

David Glenn

Phone: (203) 253-2403

Keith Sentis

Phone: (650) 996-3101